Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A prayer for baby sister

Tonight when I was getting Sawyer ready for bed, we sat down on the floor to say our prayers, and one of the things I said was "thank you for baby Reese". Then Sawyer said "I want baby sister". I told him that he only had to wait a few more weeks. He replied "hold Reesey's hand, cross the street, hold hand, be safe. Put seatbelt on Reesey in the car, be safe. Turn music on in the car for Reesey, music for Reesey. Show Reesey play doh, show puzzles, show excavator, show all the toys in the closet to baby Reesey." It was so darn adorable. I think he is ready for his baby sister's arrival. After a rough day of tantrums, throwing the camera, and full on two year oldness, it was a super special way to end my evening.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Snuggle a spider?

Sawyer watched a spider crawl along our neighbors front porch yesterday for 5 or 6 minutes. He repeatedly asked to pick it up to which I responded "no, we don't want to hurt him". Then the spider started crawling up on the side of the house. A little ways up he stopped. Sawyer still watching intently said "Spider resting. Pick him up? Snuggle?" This kid is so adorable sometimes!

Gotta love Seabrook (2013)

Our second annual trip to Seabrook with the Timms and Powells was a success. The kids were such a good age this time, and they all played together great. It was so fun to watch and see them be so independent. We spent time at the beach, tried unsuccessfully to fly a kite (since when is there no wind at the beach), went for bike rides, celebrated Nathan's birthday, played shuffleboard, walked the gnome trail, swam in the pool, built a campfire and of course ate lots of good food.
Most notable for Sawyer was his first ever campfire on Saturday night. He even got to roast a marshmallow and squish it between two graham crackers which he loved! The other big event was the pool. It's no secret that my boy has taken awhile to warm up to the water. He has never been a huge fan, until just this last month. All of the sudden spray parks (fully clothed), the shower, and now I guess the pool are really exciting. He swam in the pool at Seabrook long after all the other kids had got out and went home. After about 90 minutes, a poopy swim diaper, and blue lips I told him "one more minute" and he still protested. I think he was ready to stick out the afternoon. Who can blame him though when he has his Papa's full attention and creative mind.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sawyer has become one with his guitar over the last couple of months. It is his item of choice at almost all times. It even has trumped his kitchen! He loves to sing and dance while strumming his guitar.

Old MacDonald

The Happy Birthday song was his favorite all summer but as we enter into fall it seems that "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" has won out and is now the only song for him. If he is singing it with us he suggests all sorts of animals, but if he is singing it alone Mr. MacDonald only has chickens, and they go cluck. Here he is at the beach in Boston with our friends Adam and Lisa, making a microphone out of the pin in the umbrella pole.