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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sawyer's weak spot

It's no secret that Sawyer and I have been having our "challenges" recently. I feel like we are constantly butting heads, and I hate feeling like we are having more tension filled moments than loving ones. I noticed that I started raising my voice trying to get his attention when he wasn't listening to me, and naturally, as a result he started raising his voice to get my attention. So I have been reading some parenting books, listening to advice from friends and trying different approaches. I started with trying to never raise my voice no matter what, and then giving myself a time out when I need a moment to collect myself and get my anger in check. This has been incredibly helpful and already started our days out better. The other thing I have been trying comes from Love and Logic, basically giving him choices and asking him to step away from me (go to another room or just to the corner or couch) when he is screaming or kicking his feet and then telling him when he is ready to be sweet I will come sit with him or he can come back and continue playing with me. You wouldn't believe how this has worked. We haven't used threats or bribes very often except occasionally when desperate, but they never worked. What does work with Sawyer, what's his weak spot? Being away from his MAMA! Seriously, he stops his tantrum almost immediately. I think his acting out really boils down to not getting enough of my attention. Reese has seriously inched in on his territory and he just hasn't worked out how to share me yet. Anyhow, I feel like we are at least back on the right track, even though there will be sure to be more hills and valleys. But how can I not melt when I realize how much my boy just wants to be with me?

Friday, August 8, 2014

Girls weekend in D.C.

Reese and I headed to D.C. to visit Priscilla and meet my Godson, Eldad! What a precious little man he is! We really only spent a day and a half together, but what a special time it was to be with them, and even just to have a little trip with my girl. She was a fantastic traveler and did great in the hotel, rental car, and plane! She was even a trooper as I drug her around the Lincoln Memorial, and other monuments in D.C. It was in the upper 90's and so humid! We also got to attend a special dedication service for Eldad at Priscilla's church. I am so thankful to still have Priscilla as a friend, 13 years after my trip to Ghana. And now to call Eldad my Godson, what an honor!