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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sawyer goes to the dentist!

Sawyer got his 11 teeth checked out today, and even let Solange, the hygenist polish them. The hygenist was great with him, she showed him how to brush a stuffed frog's teeth, and read a truck book with him, before having him sit on my lap. She showed him all her tools, and even let him push the buttons to make the chair go up and down, which he promptly broke and we had to be moved to another chair. :) His second favorite dentist toy was the water sprayer. She would polish his teeth and then ask if he wanted water. He would say yes and then do the sign for more! While waiting for the dentist, Solange blew bubbles for him using only her hands and lots of soap. By the time the dentist arrived he was done sitting still. He barely let her get a look at his teeth, but overall he did great! I don't think I could have asked him to be any more patient.
On our way home with a new toothbrush, toy boat, and a balloon from the dentist!

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