Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm delivering paaaaaaackages!

Sawyer has really started using his imagination to entertain himself over the last couple of weeks. His fire truck toddler bed has been reimagined into all sorts of other vehicles. Sometimes it's a tractor and he is a farmer. He gets in and out delivering hay to all of the animals on the farm. Some days it's a garbage truck and he gets in and out picking up everyone's "garbage". But the most common, and his favorite is playing "PS delivery truck". He loves to be a UPS man and drive all over delivering "paaaaaaackages" to his stuffed animals. (for some reasons packages is said with and exaggerated Boston accent.) All of the hay, garbage and packages come in the form of books. It is so fun to see his imagination come to life and be part of his make believe scene.

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