Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Growing up

Three things happened today that reminded me that my little guy is growing up right before my eyes. 1. He took a chocolate bar, hid behind a couch cushion and started eating it. (He had just asked me if he could have it and I had said that we had bought those especially for Papa and that maybe after dinner they could share one. I thought he got down to go play, but after a few minutes I got curious because he was so quiet.) This is the first time he has ever intentionally done something he knew was wrong and try to actively hide it from me. Usually he is still so honest, even when he knows he will get in trouble. For example when I asked "Sawyer, why is Reesey crying?" He replied "I threw the harmonica at her head". 2. We got a Lego magazine in the mail, and he sat down with a pen and did one of the activities. His first workbook. Aaaaaagh, so cute. He had to circle all the things in the construction heap that were not Lego blocks. It was so adorable watching him try to do circles for the first time. 3. He has started to be able to name his emotions. He saw some kids riding bikes, and I asked if he wanted to try out the bike seat that is attached to my bike again. He said "no, I want to ride in a little car behind your bike." I asked him why he didn't want to try the bike seat again and he replied "it scares me mama." Oh, sadeees.

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