Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 15, 2014

No fear

With 3 vacations in just 5 weeks, all with pools, Sawyer has become very comfortable with the pool! A little too comfortable. He is more than happy to jump into the pool with no one waiting to catch him. Even without his puddle jumper or life jacket on. He will jump in sink and then pop up (if his life jacket is on), and don't even think of bringing him up, he will say "no mama, I am the lifeguard, I am saving you!" He is convinced he can swim without his life jacket, and we let him try but obviously he realizes he needs to put it right back on. During the vacation with Nolan and Nicholas he was introduced to goggles, and now even without any he will put his face in the water, eyes open, and tell you what he sees. He is dying to jump off of a diving board, but I told him he would have to take a lot of lessons to learn how to swim in the deep end before he can do that. So every Thursday all summer he will be at lessons at the Greenlake pool. First lesson, he kept the teacher on her toes, because as usual he was jumping off the platform when she was busy with another kid, and he had no life jacket on. I think she pulled him up at least 4 times during the 30 minute lesson.

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