Thursday, December 11, 2014
Learning to walk! And a trip to the ER!
So she started out the week before Thanksgiving with a few tentative steps. Fortunately, myself, Hani, Michelle, and Paul were all sitting in the living room and witnessed it. So exciting. Then the beginning of December she woke up from nap one afternoon and just started walking. Almost all of the time. She only gets 5-6 steps then falls, but she does it over and over again. Her favorite is to crawl to the bottom of the stairs, sit on the bottom step, push herself off and then walk 5-6 steps to me. She then falls crawls back to the step and does it again, at least 10 more times. She is so proud of herself!
Unfortunately just one short week after her confidence has increased, she took a fall right into the corner of the wooden cube we have in the living room. It made about a 1/2" gash over the corner of her left eye. Right at her eyebrow line. She cried about 30 seconds but was soon distracted by her brother and seemed fine, except every time I put ice on it. It was obviously swelling up and I was getting nervous that even though it was little it was kind of deep. It was so tiny, but I was worried it might leave a scar if I didn't take her to get a stitch. Ugh, I really didn't want to go to the ER, but it was on her face. So off we went to the ER. Luckily it only took 2 hours and they were able to just glue it shut and put a few steri strips.
What's worse than watching your child bleed? Watching your someone hold your child's arms above their head while they are being held down and getting their cut glued shut. So glad it wasn't stitches. That would have been so much worse.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Over the summer Sawyer was rewarded for peeing in the potty by getting a 10 or 15 minute youtube video. After getting sick of those videos I offered to let him watch a little bit of Finding Nemo. I fast forwarded past the part where the mom and most of the eggs get eaten, but then let him watch the next 20 minutes. In my mind he would watch 20 minutes and the next day he would watch the next 20 minutes, eventually watching the whole movie. Instead he kept asking to watch the same 20 minutes over and over again. He was especially fixated on the part where Nemo is captured by the scuba diver and then drops his mask in the ocean. And he has never watched any of the movie past the shark scene.
So this last week we were at Disney World with the Garlands. One day at the Animal Kingdom we watched a 30 minute musical stage play of Finding Nemo. Of course it is the first time he actually watches the whole play (of course this being an abbreviated version). He seemed to really enjoy it and sat intently watching, leaning on his buddy Liam's knee during the performance.
The funny part is that yesterday, he told someone that he saw the play, but in the play Marlin gets Nemo back, which he said is different than the movie, because Marlin doesn't get Nemo back. :)
Sunday, November 2, 2014
And so it begins...
"Mom, why do I have a pee pee and a bum and Nala just has a bum?"
This was said as he is washing his hands after peeing and Nala is just getting on the potty. I am not ready for these talks yet, but I guess I better prepare myself!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
cake smash? not quite
I took Reese today to do a little photo shoot with her eating her first birthday cake. I set the cake in front of her and she daintily used her index finger and touched the blue frosting, and then tasted it. She did it 4 or 5 times over a couple of minutes, and finally I took her hand and tried to make her grab the cake. She spent the next few minutes trying to wipe it off her hand, and then decided she was bored with this whole idea and crawled around the side of the cake. It felt like she was telling me that she was too proper or too grown up for all of this nonsense. Once again, my children never want to do anything I want them too.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Raphael the ninja turtle
Sawyer is obsessed with ninja turtles right now. Especially the red guy, Raphael. This all started from him seeing one Lego ad with a ninja turtle set in his Lego magazine. He has never seen a show or a book about them, but he loves them. He knows they fight bad guys and tonight after reading a book about lost children with his papa before bedtime, he told me "this is my uniform (his ninja turtle PJ's) and if any child gets lost I will help find them while I am sleeping." So cute.
He currently has ninja turtle bed sheets, PJ's, and finally I found him a costume for Halloween. Easy to find a ninja turtle costume, not so easy to find the red guy. "It has to be the RED guy!"
I love my little ninja turtle. I also love that the picture of the ninja stars that one of the turtles fight with on his bed sheets he thinks are snowflakes. He is so innocent and precious at this young age of 3. I wish I could write down everything he says.
Monday, September 29, 2014
"Hold my hand mama!"
Last weekend we went for an overnight camping trip with Sawyer's school. He had never been camping before and was very excited about his new sleeping bag. We stayed up at a great spot near Deception Pass with 35 other families. It rained part of the time, but luckily they had cabins for us to sleep in and a lodge for meals, so really it worked out fine. Sawyer tie dyed a shirt for the first time and played with his buddy Oliver "bubs", Tiago, and a new little girl from Germany that spoke no English, Lilly. Luckily, for us we had our own cabin, so I didn't have to worry about Reese waking others up in the middle of the night. I was also nervous about Sawyer sleeping on the top bunk, which you know is where he wanted to be. We finally were able to convince him that it would be even more fun if we lined up the mattress' on the floor in the middle of the room and then laid all of our sleeping bags next to each other. He decided that this would be a great plan IF he could hold mama's hand. Awwwwww! And he did. All night. When he would wake up at night he would find my hand again and grab it. Even in the morning when he woke up, the first thing he did was grab my hand and he said "mama, leave you hand right here!" We didn't sleep great, but the kids did fine.
We finished off the camping trip with a mile hike down to the beach through a gorgeous forest, with the primary goal of finding slugs! :)
Sunday, September 21, 2014
While we were in Hawaii, Reese developed this obsession with birds and chickens. They really catch her attention and she will watch them for the longest time.
She also learned to clap and wave while we were in Hawaii. We watched a short hula show and she clapped through the whole thing! She is 10 months old and growing way too fast.
I love you
So after coming off of a couple of hard weeks with rough bedtimes and tantrums, Sawyer has been super snuggly and affectionate. Tonight he asked me to come listen to Papa read him a story for bedtime. I said "of course, just let me go put on my pajamas." He said "okay mama, be safe." and then walked back into his room. A second later, he ran back and said "because I love you." Then he gave me the tightest hug ever. Moments like this would make anyone melt!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Sawyer's weak spot
It's no secret that Sawyer and I have been having our "challenges" recently. I feel like we are constantly butting heads, and I hate feeling like we are having more tension filled moments than loving ones. I noticed that I started raising my voice trying to get his attention when he wasn't listening to me, and naturally, as a result he started raising his voice to get my attention. So I have been reading some parenting books, listening to advice from friends and trying different approaches. I started with trying to never raise my voice no matter what, and then giving myself a time out when I need a moment to collect myself and get my anger in check. This has been incredibly helpful and already started our days out better. The other thing I have been trying comes from Love and Logic, basically giving him choices and asking him to step away from me (go to another room or just to the corner or couch) when he is screaming or kicking his feet and then telling him when he is ready to be sweet I will come sit with him or he can come back and continue playing with me. You wouldn't believe how this has worked. We haven't used threats or bribes very often except occasionally when desperate, but they never worked. What does work with Sawyer, what's his weak spot? Being away from his MAMA! Seriously, he stops his tantrum almost immediately. I think his acting out really boils down to not getting enough of my attention. Reese has seriously inched in on his territory and he just hasn't worked out how to share me yet. Anyhow, I feel like we are at least back on the right track, even though there will be sure to be more hills and valleys. But how can I not melt when I realize how much my boy just wants to be with me?
Friday, August 8, 2014
Girls weekend in D.C.
Reese and I headed to D.C. to visit Priscilla and meet my Godson, Eldad! What a precious little man he is!
We really only spent a day and a half together, but what a special time it was to be with them, and even just to have a little trip with my girl. She was a fantastic traveler and did great in the hotel, rental car, and plane! She was even a trooper as I drug her around the Lincoln Memorial, and other monuments in D.C. It was in the upper 90's and so humid! We also got to attend a special dedication service for Eldad at Priscilla's church. I am so thankful to still have Priscilla as a friend, 13 years after my trip to Ghana. And now to call Eldad my Godson, what an honor!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Let's talk
Sawyer has found my weak spot. He has tried many ways of postponing bedtime... I need a tissue, one more book, etc...... But he found my weakness when he started crawling up in my lap for the last five minutes of snuggle and singing "you are my sunshine." Now as I start singing, he sits up and crosses his arms and says "let's talk mama." If I say "about what?" He will put his index finger to his lips and say "Hmmmm", and then look around the room for inspiration. I can't help but take this time to talk about our day, or ask him a question when I know I have his full, undivided attention. One day he won't want to talk and I will really miss this time right before bed. He has already started saying "nothing" as a reply when I ask about what he did at school or what he ate for lunch. I can't believe that has already started and he is only 3! So I am going to take all the late night "talks" I can get, even if it means postponing bedtime by 5 minutes.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Jumping fools
Reese has become very active and jumpy over the last few weeks so we pulled out Sawyer's little car jumper that he was soooooo not interested in as a baby, and she LOVES it. I also pulled out Sawyer zebra that he also never really cared about, to try and distract him from Reese's new toy. I was having visions of him using the red car as a sling shot with her in it. So far the distraction has worked and we haven't had any major incidents. Keep your fingers crossed. I still wouldn't put it past him.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
No fear
With 3 vacations in just 5 weeks, all with pools, Sawyer has become very comfortable with the pool! A little too comfortable. He is more than happy to jump into the pool with no one waiting to catch him. Even without his puddle jumper or life jacket on. He will jump in sink and then pop up (if his life jacket is on), and don't even think of bringing him up, he will say "no mama, I am the lifeguard, I am saving you!" He is convinced he can swim without his life jacket, and we let him try but obviously he realizes he needs to put it right back on. During the vacation with Nolan and Nicholas he was introduced to goggles, and now even without any he will put his face in the water, eyes open, and tell you what he sees.
He is dying to jump off of a diving board, but I told him he would have to take a lot of lessons to learn how to swim in the deep end before he can do that. So every Thursday all summer he will be at lessons at the Greenlake pool. First lesson, he kept the teacher on her toes, because as usual he was jumping off the platform when she was busy with another kid, and he had no life jacket on. I think she pulled him up at least 4 times during the 30 minute lesson.
The second Saliba reunion
Fun weekend spent with two of Hani's cousins. It was so fun seeing all of our boys play together; Nolan 11 y/o, Nicholas 6 y/o, and Sawyer days away from 3 y/o. We stayed at a resort in Carlsbad and spent 2 days in the pool and one day at LEGOLAND. We never even made it to the beach even though we were only a 5 minute drive away! We couldn't get the boys out of the pool. We all had a great time at LEGOLAND, there was a lot to see, and the boys went on quite a few rides. Sawyer was a little small for some. He tried to drive a car but couldn't quite get coordinated enough to push the gas the pedal and steer at the same time. He only made it half way around the track, poor little guy. He loved driving the boats and the helicopter, but didn't love the plane ride. He said "Mama, I am scared, I want off!" Nolan was happy to get to play miniature golf, and Nicholas and his dad went on some of the real thrill rides. Reese was an angel and just followed along, and even slept for a couple of hours in the stroller. She is such a trooper.
Sawyer loved hanging out with these families because they ate dessert after every meal. I think he had more dessert this weekend than he has had in the whole last year. Ice cream sundaes, mini cupcakes, and he discovered gummy bears!
It's sad that we only see them every other year.
Monday, June 9, 2014
My little musicians
Sawyer started teaching Reese how to play the piano today. Hmmmm, will they always play so nicely together? Reese is 8 months and has started army crawling over the last week. She can get her knees up underneath her but then doesn't have the coordination to move her arms yet. Watch out Sawyer it is only a matter of weeks or maybe days until your toys become fair game!
Notice Sawyer's first shiner? Of course I am trying to help out a friend recovering from surgery and I am at the park watching her 3 year old, Sawyer, and wearing Reese when it happens! Ugh. I had to return to her house with a screaming child, waking her from her nap, and causing all sorts of chaos. Sometimes I am sooooo not helpful, even when I am trying really hard to be.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Reese in the pool
Reese has an amazing little froggy kick she does in the pool. She seems to really like being and the water, and this little kick she does is so darn cute!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Growing up
Three things happened today that reminded me that my little guy is growing up right before my eyes.
1. He took a chocolate bar, hid behind a couch cushion and started eating it. (He had just asked me if he could have it and I had said that we had bought those especially for Papa and that maybe after dinner they could share one. I thought he got down to go play, but after a few minutes I got curious because he was so quiet.) This is the first time he has ever intentionally done something he knew was wrong and try to actively hide it from me. Usually he is still so honest, even when he knows he will get in trouble. For example when I asked "Sawyer, why is Reesey crying?" He replied "I threw the harmonica at her head".
2. We got a Lego magazine in the mail, and he sat down with a pen and did one of the activities. His first workbook. Aaaaaagh, so cute. He had to circle all the things in the construction heap that were not Lego blocks. It was so adorable watching him try to do circles for the first time.
3. He has started to be able to name his emotions. He saw some kids riding bikes, and I asked if he wanted to try out the bike seat that is attached to my bike again. He said "no, I want to ride in a little car behind your bike." I asked him why he didn't want to try the bike seat again and he replied "it scares me mama." Oh, sadeees.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
San Diego fun
We headed to San Diego this weekend for a much needed weekend with Katrina and her family. We stayed in a condo with a gorgeous view of the beach! It had a great pool that our 3 little swimming tadpoles loved. Sawyer was in awe of Tori and how she could take off her floaties and swim with her Papa. He even took his off and was convinced he could do the same, but promptly sank. He then asked to put his floaty back on, but has been asking me ever since to practice swimming in the bath tub so that he can swim without his floaties too. (I also just signed him up for his second round of swim lessons.) Reese also got in on the action. She put on her first bathing suit and took a dip in the pool! She didn't seem that excited about the whole thing.
The condo was right in Pacific beach and we could walk to the beach and lots of restaurants. When we landed it was an unheard of 97 degrees, and unfortunately the condo didn't have air conditioning. I didn't even think to check. I was worried with temp averages of 68 degrees in May that it wouldn't be warm enough to swim in the pool! Within walking distance was yummy fish tacos, delicious Mediterranean wraps, and best of all a to die for ice cream sandwhich shop, which we went to both nights! Sawyer tried strawberry ice cream for the first time, and loved it.
The condo was also a hit because one of the rooms had bunk beds. The kids loved climbing up and down the ladder. Hours of entertainment to be had with a ladder around.
The last day we were together we went to Sea World. The kids loved the animal shows. Sawyer is still talking about the divers who performed with the dolphins. (Another reason why Sawyer wants to lose his floaties, he wants to try out the diving board. So out of character for my little cautious guy.) We also spent a lot of time in the Elmo playland area for toddlers. Sawyer went on his first amusement park rides, and he even met Elmo and Ernie. He walked right up to Ernie and asked "Where's Bert?" and then was very confused about why Ernie just mimed the answer and didn't talk back. He asked me all day why Ernie didn't talk.
It was such a relaxing trip and some much needed time with Katrina. We are going through so many similar things in life right now, it is a bummer that we don't get to see each other and talk more. I think we could really help support each other during this crazy time raising kids, not to mention just getting to witness each others children grow up. I miss her, and her family.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Reese's and sweet potatos
While the Timm's and my mom were in town for the baptism we introduced Reese to the world of solid foods. She tried sweet potato for the first time, just like her brother, and downed it like she had been doing it for months. She wanted to hold the spoon herself, and disappointed her audience by acting like it was no big deal. No funny faces, no weird reactions, no pushing the food out of her mouth. She was a very polite and proper table guest. Oh well, hopefully the peas with warrant some reaction tomorrow.
Ashley and Isaiah had a great time helping take care of Reese this weekend now that she is getting a little bigger and more sturdy.
The kids even had time for a rainy day walk with us. The Timm's didn't have rain jackets, but my mom has prepared me with so many rain jackets for Sawyer's future, that I have one in every size. Sawyer didn't even realize that they were wearing jackets that he will grow into.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Reese's baptism
What a special day! My mom and the Timm's were in town for the weekend and we had a special celebration for Reese's baptism.
We had her baptized at the Saturday morning mass, and there were very few people attending the regular mass, so it felt like a private service all for Reese. Sawyer was convinced it couldn't really be mass though because there was no piano player present. :) Reese had lots of friends come witness her special day: The Vitons, The Mortons, The Powells, The Ollos', Pauline and Shelby along with both there families. It was quite a busy, fun day.
She wore the dress that my mom was baptized in, and we think my grandma(Dorothy Folz) made it. So that was very special. And she was a trooper during the entire morning, except for a little fussy as I stripped her down naked in front of the whole church. She was even pretty happy sitting in the baptismal water as the Father poured water over her head. He was quite sweet and playful with her, and gave her a striking hairdo with the baptismal oils! He really worked all that hair and had the entire congregation laughing.
After the service, we had some yummy Lebanese food at our house, followed by my version of Mary's white cake. So delicious.
The day didn't end there though. We also celebrated Ellie's 2nd birthday at our house that afternoon. The kids were more than happy to sing her happy birthday and have a second piece of cake in one day! I am sure Sawyer was thinking "BEST DAY EVER!"
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Rolled over and laughed all in the same week! (No wonder she isn't sleeping)
Reese rolled over for the first time on Wednesday! She was laying on her back on the rug in Sawyer's room. I was reading Sawyer a story before nap time and half way through the book she rolled over onto her belly. I was so excited and tried to get Sawyer excited. I was trying to explain to him how this is the first time she was ever able to do this and he acted very uninterested. Like, so what mom, I roll over all the time. She was even able to get her arms out from under her and prop herself up. I don't think she will do it again any time soon though, she wasn't very happy being on her tummy.
Then just the next day, Adam was in town visiting with us and Hani was holding Reese on the couch. Sawyer start flinging himself onto the couch, over Hani's legs. Reese let out a real laugh. So then of course Sawyer kept doing it. She laughed at least 5 times before the novelty wore off. She laughed again a few days later watching Sawyer catapult himself off the top of his fire truck bed onto the mattress! It was so darn adorable.
She occasionally lets out a giggle to tickles from her papa or Itsy Bitsy Spider with me, but nothing like when she watches her brother. Only 4 1/2 months and she is already his biggest fan.
All this progress has to explain the last 3 sleepless nights. She usually is asleep by 6:30 or 7 p.m. and then up around 3 a.m. and again at 6 a.m. But the last couple of nights it has been every 2 hours or so. Ugh! I am one tired mama.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Found her feet!
Reese found her feet this week. She has been lifting her legs up the last couple of days and finally caught one of her feet. She was very pleased with herself and now tips herself over in the pink palace, and can rotate. The girl is on the move.
Favorite thing Sawyer says right now.....
Umm......Probablyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yep.
Umm......Probablyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nope.
I have no idea where he got it from but it takes about 30 seconds for him to get those 3 words out. So darn cute.
We have also been talking a lot about germs this week, because Reese has caught her first cold, and today he said "Mama, Reese is leaking her germs!" As he pointed to a long string of drool hanging from her mouth.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Mommy and Me Book Club
Since Sawyer was born I have wanted to do a Mommy and Me Book Club. Unfortunately, it has never really worked out, but today Kilee and her 3 kids came over and we did story time. We read The Bear Snores On, and other bear books, while eating bear snacks "popcorn, sunflower seeds and blueberries" in our bear cave (red tent). Everyone brought a teddy bear with them to story time and then after the books and snacks were over we did "5 little bears jumping on the bed" using a sheet as a parachute and the kids teddy bears on top. The kids had so much fun with that one that they decided to improvise and do "4 little kids jumping on the bed". We finished up by painting bears in caves and adding cotton balls for snow. Sawyer painted for at least 20 minutes. That in itself is a huge success!
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